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The Water Tower Grill & Bar is a restaurant in Lethbridge, AB. It is located near the neighborhood of Glendale in between North and South Lethbridge. The restaurant started off as a water tower in 1959, converted into a restaurant with a great view in 2003. The fire alarm panel was replaced this year.
System Specifications
The fire alarm panel is a Kidde VS4. It is located in the entrance of the water tower. It most likely replaced an EST FireShield from 2003.
Notification Appliances
The notification appliances consist of EST "Genesis" G1R-HDVM (red, wall, no FIRE) horn/strobes. They are original from 2003.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
The pull stations consist of Edwards 270-SPO pull stations. They are from 2003, when the restaurant opened.
Automatic Detection Devices
None noticed.