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System Specifications |
FACP: Mircom FA-1000 FACP Location: Unknown System Type: Single-Stage Conventional System Line Voltage: 120VAC NAC Voltage: 24VFWR System Coding: Temporal? Strobes Synchronized: N/A Date of last known Upgrade: 2000s Year Opened: 1961 |
Metro is a Canadian grocery store chain. They are the third-largest Canadian-owned grocery store chain, and have locations throughout Ontario and Quebec. This particular store is located at 1521 Rebecca Street, in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. The store was built in 1961, with the fire alarm system being mostly upgraded in the 2000s.
System Specifications (2000s-present)
The building is protected by a Mircom FA-1000 conventional fire alarm system. The panel location is unknown. The system coding is likely temporal.
Notification Appliances
Most notification appliances are Edwards “Adaptabel” 343D vibrating bells (6” gong).
There is an Edwards 439D-6AWC vibrating bell (6” gong) in aisle 9, installed in the 2010s.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
All pull stations are Mircom MS-401 conventional single-action pull stations.
Automatic Detection Devices
None noticed.
There are Mircom MP-300 end of line resistor plates on all circuits.