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Contemporary Calgary is an art museum in Calgary. It is in Downtown Calgary, off of 11 St SW. It was where the former Telus World Of Science in Calgary was before 2011. The building is from 1967, but the alarm system is from like 2018. When the science center was in the space, it had two different systems. The Telus Science Center was replaced with TELUS Spark in 2011.
System Specifications
The fire alarm panel is most likely an EST3. It was installed in 2018. It is unknown if the system is two-stage.
Notification Appliances
The notification appliances are EST "Genesis" G1R-HDVM (red, wall, no FIRE) horn/strobes, seen throughout.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
The pull stations are either EST SIGA-270 or SIGA-270P.
Initiating Devices
The smoke detectors are most likely EST SIGA2-PS.
Former System Specifications (Notifier TWOS)
The fire alarm panel was a Notifier AFP1010. It was wired to an EST 6632 or EST2. Both systems were wired to trip each other.
Notification Appliances
For the Notifier part, the notification appliances were Notifier KMS-10-24A motor bells on Wheelock RSSP-24MCW strobe plates.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
The pull stations were Notifier NFM-950B.
Former System Specifcations (EST for TWOS)
The fire alarm control panel for the Edwards part was likely an EST3, EST2 or EST 6632. It was wired into the Notifier AFP1010.
Notification Appliances
The notification appliances were Edwards 439D-6AWC vibrating bells on EST 403-5A-R "Integrity" strobe plates. Some were not seen with strobe plates.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
The pull stations for the EST part were Edwards 270-SPO.