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System Specifications |
FACP: Simplex 4007ES
FACP Location: Near Entrance |
Ralph's Motorsports is a motorcycle and ATV dealer located at 262117 Balzac Blvd, Balzac, AB. It is one of the largest ATV, side by side and snowmobile dealers. The building was built in 2016, and has its original fire alarm system.
System Specifications (2016-present)
The building is protected by a Simplex 4007ES addressable fire alarm system. The panel is located on the left side, just after the entrance. The system runs Simplex's IDNet addressable initiating protocol and IDNAC addressable signaling protocols, and the system coding is temporal.
Notification Appliances
All of the notification appliances are from Simplex's "TrueAlert ES" line of addressable products. The main notification appliances inside are Simplex 49AV-WRF addressable horn/strobes (red, wall-mount, set to 15cd)
For outdoor notification, there is a Simplex 49VO-WRFO addressable weatherproof remote strobe (red, wall-mount, set to 75cd), located on the south side of the building.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
All pull stations are Simplex 4099-9004 addressable single action pull stations.
Automatic Detection Devices
The storefront is protected by waterflow detection, so no detectors are present.
There are Simplex 4090-9001 addressable monitor modules supervising the sprinkler system's tamper and flow switches.
There are Simplex 2081-9040C end-of-line resistor plates on the sprinkler circuits.