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'Oakridge Mall' is a small shopping centre located in the Oakridge neighborhood of Southwest Calgary. Its main tenants are Calgary Co-op and Dollar Store. It also houses CIBC and ConnectFirst Credit Union. It was built in 1976, but does not have the original system.
System Specifications
The mall is protected by a Simplex 4010 addressable fire alarm system. The panel is located in the Co-op, near the Customer Service desk. The panel was likely installed in 2004. When in alarm, the system likely does code 3.
There are Simplex 4606-9102 LCD annunciators at every mall corridor entrance.
Notification Appliances
In the Co-op, the notification appliances are Wheelock MB-G10-24 motor bells on Wheelock RSSP-241575W-FR strobe plates (red, 15/75 candela). The candela rating of the strobe plates has not been confirmed. However, the main mall has Simplex 2901-9724 motor bells on the same strobe plates.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
All pull stations are Simplex 4099-9001 addressable single-action pull stations.
Automatic Detection Devices
There are Simplex 4098-9714 smoke detectors throughout the facility.
Bonus Information
This mall's days are numbered, as there is a new shopping complex being built right next to it. This building will likely be demolished in late 2022 or early 2023. The staff of this site will likely attempt to salvage devices from this building.