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‘’’’Joane Cardinal Schubert High School’’’’ is a high school located in the Seton neighborhood of Southeast Calgary. It has a capacity of 1800 students, and was built in 2018. The system is original.
System Specifications
The school is protected by an EST iO1000 addressable fire alarm system. The panel is located at the main entrance. The system runs EST’s Signature-series addressable protocol, and does code 3 in alarm.
Notification Appliances
All notification appliances are from EST’s “Genesis” line of notification appliances. The hallways and classrooms have EST G1R-HDVM horn/strobes (red, wall-mount, no lettering). The restrooms have EST G1R-VM remote strobes (red, wall-mount, no lettering).
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
All pull stations are EST SIGA-270 Signature-series addressable single-action pull stations.
Automatic Detection Devices
There are EST SIGA-PS Signature-series addressable photoelectric smoke detectors throughout the school.