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Save-On-Foods is a grocery store chain in Western Canada that is owned by Overwaitea. This particular store was built in 2014, and has its original fire alarm system.
System Specifications
The main fire alarm panel is a Mircom FX-2000, original from 2014. It is not visible, but the annunciator is only compatible with the FX-2000.
The annunciator is a Mircom RAX-LCD, located right next to the main entrance. It is blocked by flyers and other merchandise normally, which is a fire code violation. It also does not have LED annunciation, which is another code violation, as Canadian Fire Codes require LED Annunciation on all panels and annunciators.
Notification Appliances
The main notification appliances are Mircom FHS-340R horn/strobes, set on broadband code 3. The ceiling-mount alarms are System Sensor PC2R horn/strobes, set on code 3.
Initiating Devices
Pull Stations
The pull stations are Mircom MS-401AP addressable "tab" pull stations.
Automatic Detection Devices
None noticed, but there are likely MIX-2251AP smoke detectors in the store.