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System Specifications |
‘’’’Dr. George Stanley School’’’’ is a middle school located in the Cranston neighborhood of Southeast Calgary. It has a capacity of 900 students, and was built in 2017. The fire alarm system is original. System SpecificationsFACPThe building is protected by a Simplex 4100ES addressable fire alarm system. The panel is located at the main entrance. The system runs Simplex’s IDNet addressable protocol, and does code 3 in alarm. Notification AppliancesAll notification appliances are from Simplex’s “Truealert ES” line of products. The hallways and classrooms have Simplex 49AV-WRF addressable horn/strobes (red, wall-mount). The restrooms have Simplex 49VO-WRF addressable remote strobes. Initiating DevicesPull StationsAll pull stations are Simplex 4099-9004 IDNet addressable single-action pull stations. Automatic Detection DevicesThere are Simplex 4098-9714 IDNet addressable photoelectric smoke detectors throughout the facility, as well as some Simplex 4098-9734 IDNet addressable fixed/rate-of-rise heat detectors in some areas. |